Monday, January 21, 2013

Spinning the Roulette Wheel

The next game to tick off the backlog will be..
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes - $9.99
An title that is essentially a satire of the entire RPG genre. As my game of choice most of the time, should be a fun little romp.

So in other gaming news, that I'm behind on as usual, Dragonborn is finally coming to the PC on February 5th. As for PS3,  no release date has been specifically placed, but apparently all 3 DLC will be coming sometime in February. Even better for PS3 users, if there can be any after this long of a delay, is each is being discounted for the first week. Though I doubt us PC users will get any for the delay of Dragonborn, but oh well.

I'm thinking I may need to level a new character, as I don't even remember where most my characters are at. Not sure as to what I should make though. Never went through really as a pure stealthy thief character, so it might be nice for a change of pace.

I've been waiting patiently for this expansion since it released on Xbox almost 2 months ago, hopefully this is the last one with a exclusivity agreement attached. It's quite a pain to keep away from all the spoilers of the game for that long while we wait.

Also, as I said, I get behind most gaming news, but this is just too cool to pass up talking about. The Oculus Rift is possibly the coolest thing I've seen in a while. I'm a little late to the party, but for those who have less time for games than I do, it's basically a device you strap over your eyes and it creates a VR display. It completely tracks your head movements, allowing you to look 360 degrees and up and down the world you're looking at.

You can order a dev kit with the unit for $300, which will be sent out in April. But if you don't plan to develop games with it, they say wait because it will essentially be a prototype of the consumer version. Currently, they plan to only release for the PC (another point for us PC gamers), but want to eventually expand it to consoles.

The following is a video that shows reporters reactions to the OR at CES. I for one, can't wait if it works this well with games.

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